From recent news, here are some interesting tips and practical information from Kerala State information commission about RTI applications they handle.
Number each document that you require under the Act.
Be brief as possible. Avoid long-winding explanations or irrelevant details.
Seeking a compiled report of the information or asking the information officer to fill in a prepared format is against the rules.
The Act empowers the public to examine or get attested copies of files, documents and registers in the possession of public institutions.
Court Fee Stamp and Treasury Chalan will be accepted as application fee only in State Government offices.
In public sector units and Central Government institutions, the fee should be remitted directly or through DD/cheque.
Applicants hailing from the BPL category should enclose certificate issued by the Corporation or Municipal Secretary or the Block Development Officer for getting a fee exemption. Ration cards will not be accepted.
Your subsequent appeals should not seek information different from the one asked for in your original application. `The cardinal rule is that be specific to the extent possible.
That will be ideal for both sides – the person seeking the information and the person giving it – and also the Information Commission,’’ State Chief Information Commissioner Palat Mohandas said.
“We had also noticed appellants including caustic and nasty remarks in their appeals,’’ he said.
I will take a few of the statements above and give my understanding on it:
Number each document that you require under the Act.
What it most likely means is that the applicant should ask for different information under different numbered points in the RTI application. That will make it easier for both applicant and PIO to track what is being requested and replied.
Seeking a compiled report of the information or asking the information officer to fill in a prepared format is against the rules.
It is interesting that a SIC has issued this guideline. This is perfectly correct according to RTI act. One can ask for existing documents or information, whatever format they are normally or already in. The compilation of information is not the job of PIO or to be done under RTI act. The RTI applicant can compile it or prepare into a different format after receiving the ‘raw’ documents and information.
Your subsequent appeals should not seek information different from the one asked for in your original application.
If applicants are doing it, then they are not following due process or not tracking their own original RTI applications in a disciplined way. Moreover, it will not make job of PIO easier if an RTI applicant asks for different information in appeal, and may only delay things for the RTI applicant. One should file a new RTI for new information.
We had also noticed appellants including caustic and nasty remarks in their appeals
That is not going to help anybody, is it!
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